Saturday, November 2, 2019

How to Tell if the Attraction is Gravity or Magnetism

There are two natural forces of attraction: gravity and magnetism. 
We use gravity for concepts such as grouping for safety, hanging out with friends, and getting the gang together again. This will result in “grave thinking,” which is also known as “groupthink.” The underlying force of gravity results in small masses coming together to form greater masses. 
Magnetism has to do with the movement of electrons, which means it is electronic. It occurs naturally in really small amounts but is easily manmade. Once magnets are made, they can be inserted into coils of wire to create a more powerful type of magnetism called electromagnetism.
Magnetism can defy gravity at close ranges, but gravity is ultimately the more powerful universal force. Electromagnetism defies gravity to a greater degree. Electromagnetism is what allows us to see throughout the human body via MRIs. That’s Superman powerful.
Electromagnetism runs the motors in washers and dryers, creates the electricity of gas-powered generators, and charges the batteries in our cars.
Putting magnets inside coils creates a force called electromagnetism. The magnetism disappears immediately upon the magnet being removed from the coil. 
When magnetism is described as the conceptual source of attraction, we should examine it to see if it is mild and natural, or created by sticking a magnet inside a coil to create an energy that goes away once the magnet is removed from the coil.
When we understand these things on that level, we can then relate the universal concepts of gravity and magnetism to everything from electronics to human relationships.

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